In South Africa, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced the auto-assessment process to streamline and simplify tax filing for individual taxpayers. The auto-assessment involves SARS pre-populating tax returns with data received from various third-party sources, such as employers, financial institutions, medical aid schemes, and retirem… Read More

Are you presently considering a career as a traffic police officer? It is an effective profession solution as you will end up a highly regarded member of your local community and may be assisting to enforce law and order in your neighborhood. Traffic officers also are part of the initiatives to boost the level of safety on our roads by ensuring tha… Read More

Are you keen on a work for a traffic police officer? It is a good profession solution as you will be a respected member of your community and can be helping to enforce law and order close to you. Traffic officers are part of the efforts to lift the level of safety on our streets by guaranteeing that motorists are licensed and automobiles are roadwo… Read More

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is the largest open learning institution in Africa, with instruction taking place about length. Unisa provides various educational classes, from certification programs to doctoral degrees with college students from South Africa and other countries. Unisa is a comprehensive College as well as their programs sel… Read More